Duke City Wheelmen are honored to participate in marking Dia de los Muertos at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. We have contributed a ghost bike ofrenda since 2010. These ofrendas remember all cyclists lost to crashes, or who have passed for other reasons but were avid cyclists.

This year in particular, we honored Scott Habermehl, who died on May 29, 2024 in a crash and Chris Kunstadt who passed from a medical event while riding on August 4, 2024. Both these men were loved and are missed by many.
Scott Habermehl

Chris Kunstadt

I also included a photo of my birth mother, who passed in September.
She was the mom of three cyclists.

Earlier DCW places a ghost bike for Scott on Moon St NE where the crash occurred. This is still an unsolved crime. If you have any information about the crash, please reach out.