New Mexico Motorcyclist Rights Organization
14th Annual BIKE DAY AT THE CAPITOL 2017
Saturday February 25, 2017, 1pm – 2:30pm
BICYCLISTS ARE INVITED TO MEET AT New Mexico Bike N Sport, 524 W Cordova Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87505 We will have lunch, then ride or walk to the NM Round House Rotunda, State Capitol Building, 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501.
IF YOU ARE IN ALBUQUERQUE, you are invited to ride the Rail Runner to Santa Fe with, and compliments of, BikeABQ. Meet at the Downtown Station at Alvarado Transportation Center by 8:45am. Train departs at 8:58am.
Please email: RSVP@BikeABQ.org if you plan to ride the Rail Runner with them.
We will arrive at the South Capitol Station in Santa Fe about 10:25am, then bicycle or walk to Bike N Sport for lunch compliments of Diane Albert Law Firm. We will bicycle or walk to the Capitol to arrive by 12:45pm. – Bring your bike lock.
Bike Day at the Capitol events are scheduled from 1:00pm – 2:30pm and are hosted by the New Mexico Motorcyclist Rights Organization.
Return to Albuquerque: Rail Runner will depart from the Santa Fe Depot Station at 3:27, 8:12, & 10:07pm and from South Capitol Station at 3:32, 8:17, & 10:12pm.
Proclamations, Memorials, and Bills in the 2017 NM Legislative Session
February 2017 was proclaimed “Distracted Driving Awareness Month” in NM by Executive Proclamation by Governor Martinez. This was the result of efforts by the New Mexico Motorcycle Rights Organization (NMMRO) and Indian Motorcycle of Albuquerque.
NM Senate Bill 55, which among other things, increases the fines for Reckless Driving, Careless Driving, and Texting While Driving, has passed the NM Senate and has gone to committee in the NM House for consideration.
To read the bill as introduced in the Senate, visit: https://nmlegis.gov/Sessions/17%20Regular/bills/senate/SB0055.pdf
NM Complete Streets Efforts Memorials, the result of efforts by the New Mexico Complete Streets Leadership Team NM Senate Memorial 35 – was approved unanimously and signed in February. To read the Memorial, as introduced, visit: https://nmlegis.gov/Sessions/17%20Regular/memorials/senate/SM035.pdf
NM House Memorial 29 – NM Complete Streets Efforts – has a “Do Pass” recommendation from committee and is currently on the calendar for consideration. To read the Memorial, as introduced, visit: https://nmlegis.gov/Sessions/17%20Regular/memorials/house/HM029.pdf